
Friday, February 10, 2012

Learning contentment and {phfr}

I hate to admit it, but contentment doesn’t come naturally to me.   I am thankful for what I have, but every so often I get that itch and want more.    That’s not always a bad thing, but as time goes by I’m realizing great joy can be had by taking the time to appreciate what is in front of me.
In Philippians 4:11b, Paul says  “ . . . for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.”  Did you catch that?   Paul, a great apostle, says he learned to be content.    That means there is hope!   Contentment is something that we can all learn to have, if we are willing to cultivate it in our hearts.    
{pretty, happy, funny, real} is a link-up hosted by a blog that has been a great encouragement to me over the last couple of years.   The purpose is to encourage each other by acknowledging the ordinary, everyday parts of life that might otherwise go unnoticed.     I’ve been wanting to join the link-up for awhile, because its a great way to actively appreciate life as it is, right now.   A way to learn contentment.
I’m hoping to include a {phfr} post each week.   If you are interested in participating click on the link at the bottom of the page.


I put this sign above my Sunshine’s crib when he was only a couple of months old, and every night for nearly eight years I have recited the verse for him before he goes to sleep.    We’ve been planning on redecorating his room, and I told him he would have to let go of some of his old decorations to make room for the big boy stuff.    This week he asked me if we could keep his Bible verse hanging above his bed, because it helps him knowing God is with him even in the dark.    I agreed that the sign would still work in his big boy room.    Even big, tough hockey players need a little bit of pretty in their life, don’t you think?


Little Spitfire’s preschool hosted a science fair this week, and he was so happy to show off his school to the family.   One of the highlights was watching him dress up like a space man and pretend to go to outer space.  With space helmet and moon boots on and flashlight at the ready, he went into the dark glowing box of space.   I think he would have stayed in space all day if we would have let him.


Now that Sunshine is in the second grade, he is eager to show off his writing skills.   He has taken to carrying a little notepad in his back pocket, and he often writes notes as way of communicating with me.   Unfortunately, his spelling abilities are still lacking, and the notes he produces don’t always match his intentions.   This week, I found one of the notes he gave me around Christmas.  Can you guess what this says?

Well, I had him read it to me, just to be sure.   It says, “Dear Prancer,   I need help.   Santa needs more wrapping paper.”   


Said second grader has been going through pants like they are out of style ever since he was three.   Give him a new pair of jeans, he’ll give you a hole in the knee in a week.   Now, in addition to having holes in the knees, he is in the habit of accidentally cutting his pants near the crotch.   Apparently, cutting papers at school is a lot easier if you do it in your lap.  I’m not sure what to do about this.    I tried sewing this hole, but now the pants look like something only Frankenstein would wear.    Does anybody have any tips?    


round button chicken


  1. Love the little note :) My second grader recently had to draw and label a balanced meal on a paper at school. He had steak, carrots and a little round thing on the plate labeled 'crap.' I had to laugh picturing his teacher wondering about this one, so I asked. "What mom, it's a grape? Why is that funny?"

  2. That's too funny! I'm sure it made the teacher smile, too.
